Seasons Change...Is It Time to Let Go?

Seasons Change...Is It Time to Let Go?

When we think of seasons, we mostly think of the weather, or of sports. But there are many different seasons in our lives. Seasons of special interests and hobbies, of relationships or volunteer work. Some seasons last a long time, and some only a little while. It may be easy to see a new season beginning because it's new. But the ending of a season...well, that's harder to spot. We transition out of seasons much more gradually.

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Five Tips for Holiday Cleanup

Five Tips for Holiday Cleanup

However different this year’s holidays were for each of us, they are beginning to wind down. You may have put your decorations up earlier than ever before because we all needed that extra cheer (and I hope you enjoyed a very merry season). Now it’s time to wrap things up and prepare for the new year. Here are five tips for storing and protecting your holiday items.

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My Favorite Holiday Traditions 

My Favorite Holiday Traditions 

If you think about it, COVID has been like the Grinch who stole Christmas, except COVID stole the whole year. No summer beach parties, no back-to-school celebrations, no football tailgating, no weddings or graduations. But, now that the holidays are in full swing, I take comfort in knowing COVID will not steal my Christmas joy. My favorite holiday traditions are still on track. I hope yours are, too.

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Labor Day While Your Away


Even though kids are back to school in August, there is still one last big weekend of summer. Labor Day! Take advantage of the last 3 day weekend of summer with a family trip. Don't have anyone to stay with the family pet? No problem! I do pet sitting!! Your pooch stays home, and I take care of the rest. And, I can even set up that command center for you while you are away :)

Wardrobe Wonder


Help your week go more smoothly by laying out clothes for the week on Sunday evening. Have you kids choose the outfits they would like to wear for the coming week. If there is a special day, like pajama day, it also helps to plan for that. You can also go with a free flowing system, rather than assigning an outfit to a day of the week. Letting kids choose which outfit to wear from the weekly selection still gives them a few choices without being too rigid. But, of course, choose which system works best for your youngsters.

The Art of School Lunch

Back to school lunch organization can be a hassle, but if you get your kids involved, it can be a breeze. Create bins filled with lunch items. Swipe right to see how to set up your bins. Crackers in one bin, juice boxes in another, fruit in yet get the picture. The night before, have your kids choose 1 item from each bin to put in their lunches. Having your kids choose their own lunches also insures that they are more likely to eat what has been packed.


Dominate Kid Art Storage


Here's the big question about back to school? What the heck do you do with all that paperwork? You love everything your child brings home, but no one can keep all that!! Choose what you love most and take a photo. Use the photos to create an album. You can print the albums through services such as @chatbooks. Now you have all of your favorite art and schoolwork pieces in one tidy book!