Seasons Change...Is It Time to Let Go?

When we think of seasons, we mostly think of the weather, or of sports. But there are many different seasons in our lives. Seasons of special interests and hobbies, of relationships or volunteer work. Some seasons last a long time, and some only a little while. It may be easy to see a new season beginning because it's new. But the ending of a season...well, that's harder to spot. We transition out of seasons much more gradually.

Take for instance that season when you were roller blading. You got all the gear...skates, knee pads, helmet, the attire. You had the time of your life wearing those things out....and then, life changed. Maybe just a little. You were still skating, just not as much. The skates went from your car to the garage. Then more time passed. Skating happened less and less. Rather than get rid of the skates (because you had such great memories and truly believed one day you would skate again), you put them in a cabinet in the garage. But you never did get back to them. Now it's seven years later and we're pulling everything out of that cabinet. You see the skates and decide, "yeah, that season is over."

It would be so much easier if the last time you skated your skates could say...."this has been fun but our time together is done." Then you donate them with a good conscience and make room for gear for your next hobby (which is definitely coming...). And you wouldn't hang on to so many things thinking you will use them again.
As we work with clients to organize their homes, we help them clear the stuff from past seasons. Not only does this free up physical space in their home, it can also (and often does) clear up their emotional space as they release the many feelings that season held for them. 

We love this text message we received from a client recently:
"I have been channeling your guidance on seasons and it is making it so much easier to let go of things. I let go of some perfectly cute summer stuff that just doesn't suit my body so much anymore and doesn't fit with my current season. Also let go of some more of the boys' baby stuff and some boots I used to wear when I went out of town. Feels good to work toward having my things reflect where I am now." 

Sometimes recognizing the end of a season is an easy process, like with the roller blades. And sometimes it's hard. One thing I know, though...there's so much freedom when we give ourselves permission to let seasons end. It's the only way to embrace what's coming next.  

If you're ready to clear the stuff you still have from past seasons, we'd love to help!